A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Care Everywhere
- Children and Minors
- Certificate of Confidentiality from NIH
- ChatGPT/ LLM/ AI
- CLIA Compliance and Lab Test Results
- Clinical Research Services (CRS) Application and Guidelines
- Clinical Trials at UCSF
- ClinicalTrials.gov (CT.gov)
- Committee on Enterprise Information and Analytics (EIA)
- Cognitively Impaired Subjects and Assessing Decisional Capacity
- Compassionate Use Protocols
- Comprehensive Cancer Center Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee (PRMC)
- Conflict of Interest
- Consent Guidelines
- Costs to Subjects - Consent Form Language
- CTSI Consultation Services
- Data and Safety Monitoring Plans and Boards (DSMP, DSMB)
- Data Death Files
- Data Use Agreement – Work with UCSF Industry Contracts Division to determine if a Data Use Agreement is necessary.
- Data Resources (UCSF)
- Data Sharing
- Data Storage, Retention, and Disposition
- Definitions
- Department of Defense Research
- Devices – Investigational Devices (IDE) and Significant Risk vs. Non-Significant Risk
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)
- Drugs – Investigational New Drugs and Biologics (IND)
- Electronic Data Security
- Emergency Setting Research
- Emergency Use of Experimental Drugs and Devices
- Exempt and Exempt Reliances
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy and the Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) — NIH
- HIV+ Reporting Requirements for Research Involving HIV Testing
- Healthcare Compliance and Privacy Office (UCSF)
- HRPP Memos
- Human Gene Transfer/Recombinant DNA Research
- Illiterate Subjects or Those Physically Unable to Write or Talk
- International Research
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Research
- iRIS FAQs, Accounts and Quick Guides (MyAccess login required)
- Mandatory Companion Studies
- Medical Record Review
- Mobile Medical Applications & Other Digital Health Technologies
- Monitoring
- MyChart
- Neonates
- NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy (NIH DMS Policy)
- NIH Single IRB Mandate
- Non-English Speaking Subjects
- Patient Care Manager: Letter of Support
- Paying Subjects, Guidelines and Payment Procedures
- Personnel Change (Instructions on filling out the Personnel Change form can be found here. MyAccess login required)
- Phlebotomy- Please contact Risk Management and Insurance Services for Phlebotomy Related Safety Alert and Advisory for Clinical Investigators and Other Research Personnel
- Photography: UCSF Photography & Media HIPAA Forms and UCSF Photography & Media Consent Forms
- For research studies conducted through UCSF Campus, the study team must use the UCSF Media Consent Form (Appendix B of the UCSF Health Media Consent Policy) in addition to the Informed Consent Form (ICF) and HIPAA Research Authorization. For media consent in a clinical, non-research context, Oakland patients must complete the BCH-Oakland Media Consent Form instead.
- Placebos or Inactive Interventions in Place of Potentially Effective Therapy
- PI Eligibility
- Pregnant Participants
- Prisoners
- Privacy Office (UCSF)
- Public Health Surveillance
- Publication FAQs
- Reconsent
- Record Storage, Retention and Disposition
- Recruitment Methods and Advertising Guidelines
- Regulations, State Statutes and Guidance
- Reliances
- Skin Biopsies in Children
- Social and Behavioral Research
- Study Personnel
- Suicidal Ideation and/or Behavior in Research Protocols