About MyChart
MyChart is an easy, confidential way for patients to access their care team and medical information online.
CTSI’s Consultation Service, the Participant Recruit Program (PRP), facilitates cohort identification to communicate with potentially eligible patients via MyChart or direct mail. This PRP service is the only way that UCSF allows the use of MyChart for research recruitment.
The PRP’s EHR Recruitment Service page has detailed information about how this service works, which types of studies are eligible to use it, and how to request a recruitment service consultation.
Getting IRB Approval for MyChart recruitment:
PRP will provide you with (1) specific language to include in the IRB application and (2) participant-facing recruitment materials to attach to your IRB submission. The IRB will review your submission (whether it is a new application or a modification to an existing IRB approval) to ensure that the correct language about PRP is included in the application, and that all necessary recruitment materials are attached to the submission. See the PRP’s guidance about IRB materials for more details.
Communications in Research
MyChart can also be used to communicate with Research Participants after they have consented to be in the study.
Communications intended for research should be clearly distinguishable from communications intended for clinical care. If you propose to use MyChart to communicate with research participants, the following is required:
- The consent form should indicate that study communication may take place via MyChart.
- The participant should be presented with the opportunity to “opt-out” of receiving communication via MyChart.
- The study team should propose alternate communication methods if participants elect to “opt-out.”
- Template messages should be IRB-approved prior to sending to participants.
- Screenshots or Template language should be included for IRB review and approval